Biz Kimiz
Nano-sis, zaman içinde çeşitli bilimsel ve teknolojik alanlar için ölçüm sistemleri üreten dünyanın önde gelen üreticilerinden biri haline gelmiştir. Bu kapsamda, Nano-sis ürünlerini neredeyse her kıtada bulunan anahtar konumlarda bulunan birçok distribütör ortağıyla destekleyerek dünya genelinde tanıtır, pazarlar ve satar. 60'den fazla personele sahip bir ekiple; her biri kendi alanında çok yetenekli uzmanlar olan; sistem tasarımı, geliştirme, üretim, montaj, entegrasyon ve test işlemlerimizi kendi bünyemizde gerçekleştiriyoruz.

Our Portfolio
Ambient Scanning Probe Microscopes
This microscope family is used to measure various surface properties of materials and widely used in science and technology applications. It is also possible to inspect samples under various atmospheric conditions, especially needed for biological applications. Our products classified in this category are ezAFM, ezSTM, hpAFM, AFM+, Ambient AFM and RT-SHPM.
Low Temperature Microscopes
These microscopes are engineered to work under extremely low temperatures (˂10mK) and high magnetic fields (˃20T). We customize our products to fit in to our customers` existing cryostats or dilution fridges. Turnkey solutions are also available. They are mostly used for magnetic or superconducting material studies.
Controller & Standalone Electronics
The electronic control and signal processing requirements possessed by our products, gave us the distinctive capability of analog and digital design. The controllers we use with our systems and emerged components can be used independently for different purposes. USB PLL, USB Interferometer, Gaussmeter and SPM Controllers belong to this product group.
Measurement & Characterization Systems
These group of products are design for electric transport and magnetic properties measurements. Measurements like, Hall Effect, Van der Pauw, 2-4 contact resistivity, angle depended resistivity, and susceptibility etc. can be performed. Various units allows the user to compose the proper measurement setup for exact needs. Each unit is also configurable internally. Systems have their own dedicated automation software written in Labview. Our products in this group are; Hall Effect Measurement System (HEMS) with electromagnet, table top HEMS unit (ezHEMS), 4 Point IV Measurement setup, Variable Sample Magnetometer (VSM), Vertical (Swedish) Sample Rotator, Horizontal Sample Rotator, AC Sussceptometer
Custom Manufactured Systems & Parts
The know-how on electro-mechanical systems, low temperature system, ultra-high vacuum systems, measurement and manipulation, and probe microscopy give us the background to design, simulate, manufacture and integrate for any special requirement. From a simple part to a complex system we will be at your service.